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Мнения экспертов

Меморандум о взаимопонимании между Уральским государственным экономическим университетом (УрГЭУ) и IAMO подписан на официальной церемонии в Екатеринбурге

25 August 2021 - A Memorandum of Understanding between the Ural State Economic University (UrSEU) and IAMO was signed at a formal ceremony in Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, on 20 August 2021. During this business trip, IAMO Director Thomas Glauben met with several partners to strengthen cooperation in agricultural economics and research between Russia and Germany.

One of the important meetings took place at the Ural State Economic University (UrSEU) where he met with Yakov Silin, Rector of the Ural State University, Dmitry Karkh, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Quality of Education, and Victor Kovalev, Vice-Rector for Research. After the meeting, a formal ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ural State Economic University (UrSEU) and IAMO was held. The memorandum combines the efforts in developing and implementing educational projects, academic mobility programs for lectures and students, as well as developing other areas of cooperation between the Ural State Economic University (UrSEU) and IAMO.

The ceremony was also shown at local TV news where Thomas Glauben indicated that “IAMO has a strong experience in development of agri-food sector and education system in transition countries. I am confident that the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding strengthening cooperation between the university and IAMO, provides benefits for agricultural economics in Russia and Germany and deepens the cooperation in education and research in transition economies.

Furthermore, Thomas Glauben also met with Minister of Agroindustrial Complex and Consumer Market of Sverdlovsk region, Svetlana Ostrovskaya, and her deputy Anna Kuznetsova. They discussed development of agri-food sector and education system in Russia. Visiting representative agri-food organizations in Ekaterinburg was also contained in the agenda of IAMO Director Thomas Glauben. He visited he largest vegetable producer in the region, goat farm and greenhouse farm in Ekaterinburg. These typical farms are presented as cutting edge and highly digitalized farms which play important role to reach Russia self-sufficiency policy (Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), 25 August 2021).


В УрГЭУ состоялось торжественное подписание Меморандума о взаимопонимании сторон, объединении усилий в разработке и реализации образовательных проектов, программ академической мобильности профессорско-преподавательского состава, обучающихся, а также развитии других направлений сотрудничества между Уральским государственным экономическим университетом и Институтом аграрного развития в странах с переходной экономикой им. Лейбница (IAMO). Для подписания этого Меморандума директор IAMO Томас Глаубен приехал в Екатеринбург (Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), 25 August 2021).

Просмотров: 256

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